Table of contents
- Tests
- Shop list information
- Current DB schema
- Style Guide
- Website dashboard
- Where we get template data
- SubProjects
- Groceristar Website Methods list
- Department Router
- Favorite Router
- Grocery Router
- Display Grocery List Data
- display hidden departments( status hidden) 3
- Add if(ultimate)then display only grocery from basic templates
- Attach grocery list to user5
- Clone list with all data to a new grocery list record
- Display page with clone Form
- Remove Grocery list from user account
- Create New, Empty Grocery List inside the user account
- page with Method, that will display all grocery lists, related to user
- page with Method, that will display all grocery lists, related to user
- Display shopping list (ingredients list group by department)
- Purchased Router
- Ingredients Router
- Create or find at db new ingredient new ingredient and attach it to grocery list
- Method moves ingredient from one department to another(can work only with custom ingredients)
- Method that changes the ingredients -> name works only with custom ingredients
- Method that delete array of ingredients
- Create a new custom ingredinet+ save it to db
- Method that will called only if we want to edit not a custom element
- Method that get list of ingredients from department
- GS sitemap
- GS Shoplist screens
- About GroceriStar